Tag Archives: equity

Schrödinger’s Pie

Schrodingers Pie, Hamilton Street Art, Locke StreDanial Garson Druggistet by
jmaxtours and found on flickr

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Preamble to the Declaration of Independence

This is the third and last “pie” blog in the “trilogy.” As someone’s pointed out, I’ve been mixing “rights” with “public opinion” and they aren’t the same thing. Rights, at least as defined above, are endowed upon us by our Creator, the Almighty, God of Israel as described in the Holy Bible.

People possess rights, they aren’t “allowed” rights by the government. The government doesn’t give us rights, they are prevented (ideally) from interfering with our rights. Never mind that governments interfere with human rights on a regular basis.

However, some people say they don’t have the same rights as others, hence the “pie” meme or metaphor or whatever you want to call it.

For instance, this opinion piece from the Arizona Central states in part:

Continue reading Schrödinger’s Pie