Tag Archives: pie

Schrödinger’s Pie

Schrodingers Pie, Hamilton Street Art, Locke StreDanial Garson Druggistet by
jmaxtours and found on flickr

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Preamble to the Declaration of Independence

This is the third and last “pie” blog in the “trilogy.” As someone’s pointed out, I’ve been mixing “rights” with “public opinion” and they aren’t the same thing. Rights, at least as defined above, are endowed upon us by our Creator, the Almighty, God of Israel as described in the Holy Bible.

People possess rights, they aren’t “allowed” rights by the government. The government doesn’t give us rights, they are prevented (ideally) from interfering with our rights. Never mind that governments interfere with human rights on a regular basis.

However, some people say they don’t have the same rights as others, hence the “pie” meme or metaphor or whatever you want to call it.

For instance, this opinion piece from the Arizona Central states in part:

Continue reading Schrödinger’s Pie

Whoever Is In Charge Controls The Pie

Meme from the internet

A few weeks ago, I wrote Yes, It’s A Pie, But Let Me Explain. It was a response to the meme “Equal Rights For Others Does Not Mean Fewer Rights For You. It’s Not Pie.”

While things like rights and access to opportunities shouldn’t be restricted, they often are based on who is doling out those resources. When some groups say they don’t have as much access to resources as other groups, it’s usually not because the resources or rights are limited so much as the folks doling out said-resources are restricting them.

In my prior article, I compared two very different groups: the LGBTQ+ community and PTSD sufferers. It’s an odd comparison but the month of June is both “Pride Month” and “PTSD Awareness Month.” In observing how each set of events were treated in news and social media and by the government, politicians, celebrities, and corporations, I saw that the former was highly marketed and praised while the latter was all but ignored.

The reason behind that is money. You can make more bank off of promoting goods and services to the LGBTQ community than you can by raising the public’s awareness of people who suffer from PTSD and other anxiety disorders.

It’s not that the real-world rights and opportunities of each group differed in the slightest. It is that the public gave rave reviews, devotion, caring, and attention to the former, but acted like the latter did not exist.

In other words, it’s a pie.

Continue reading Whoever Is In Charge Controls The Pie

Yes, It’s a Pie, But Let Me Explain

Meme found on the internet.

I know the phrase above sounds good. I mean especially in the United States, shouldn’t we all enjoy the same freedoms and rights? It’s one of our national ideals. And yet there are many, many groups (look at the color wheel in the image above and imagine what it represents) declaring that they suffer from a lack of rights.

Important Note: I’m not denying in any way the fact that some groups are regularly discriminated against and have certain of their rights denied. On the other hand, there’s more than one way to view the issue. I’m just holding up a different lens. Have a look.

I know this is supposed to be a religious blog, but bear with me.

So who isn’t getting their fair share of the pie?

According to the blog of Mark B. Baer, Inc (yes, a lawyer), lots of people.

I should say the article isn’t well maintained. It was published on November 7, 2021 but already some of the links used as resources are broken, including to one of Baer’s major sources Timothy D. Wilson and Nancy Brekke (if you clicked on it, I said it was broken) who supposedly “proved” bias could be avoided or eliminated.

Wait? Eliminated? I didn’t know human beings could be completely, dispassionately unbiased and objective.

The problem is the definition that Baer uses for bias. His source, which is also a broken link, defines bias as:

Continue reading Yes, It’s a Pie, But Let Me Explain