Tag Archives: lgbtq

Yes, It’s a Pie, But Let Me Explain

Meme found on the internet.

I know the phrase above sounds good. I mean especially in the United States, shouldn’t we all enjoy the same freedoms and rights? It’s one of our national ideals. And yet there are many, many groups (look at the color wheel in the image above and imagine what it represents) declaring that they suffer from a lack of rights.

Important Note: I’m not denying in any way the fact that some groups are regularly discriminated against and have certain of their rights denied. On the other hand, there’s more than one way to view the issue. I’m just holding up a different lens. Have a look.

I know this is supposed to be a religious blog, but bear with me.

So who isn’t getting their fair share of the pie?

According to the blog of Mark B. Baer, Inc (yes, a lawyer), lots of people.

I should say the article isn’t well maintained. It was published on November 7, 2021 but already some of the links used as resources are broken, including to one of Baer’s major sources Timothy D. Wilson and Nancy Brekke (if you clicked on it, I said it was broken) who supposedly “proved” bias could be avoided or eliminated.

Wait? Eliminated? I didn’t know human beings could be completely, dispassionately unbiased and objective.

The problem is the definition that Baer uses for bias. His source, which is also a broken link, defines bias as:

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What About Websites, Wedding Cakes, and Gay Customers?

The setting sun illuminates the Supreme Court building on Capitol Hill in Washington on Jan. 10, 2023. – Patrick Semansky/AP

If you’ve been paying attention to the news or (Heaven help you) been on social media, particularly twitter, you know that this past week, the U.S. Supreme Court has handed down a number of controvertial decisions, ones that have (once again) polarized conservatives and liberals (or Christians and everyone else it seems).

I’m only going to discuss one and my discussion will not be exhaustive. I’m addressing the Supreme Court’s decision that a web designer is allowed to refuse to make a website for gay people. From the left’s perspective, this is blatant discrimination against the LGBTQ (and so on) community and goes well beyond whether or not a Christian baker must make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding.

Opponents of the decision say this opens to door for any business anywhere to refuse to serve any LGBTQ customer “just because.” But is that what it really means?

I chose the NPR story because it includes a frame allowing readers to go through the entire Supreme Court written decision. But it’s seventy pages long, so I’m not reading it.

On the other hand, the story does summarize the key points.

The decision was limited because much of what might have been contested about the facts of the case was stipulated–namely that Smith intends to work with couples to produce a customized story for their websites, using her words and original artwork. Given those facts, (Justice Neil ) Gorsuch said, Smith qualifies for constitutional protection.

So the basis upon which the web designer may refuse to work with LGBTQ people is somewhat limited, but it still seems kind of vague to me.


Continue reading What About Websites, Wedding Cakes, and Gay Customers?

Where True Love Means Telling Straight Men to Call Themselves “Cis”

Screenshot from twitter.
Screenshot from twitter
Screenshot from twitter

I have to admit, I haven’t been taking “pride month” very well. First of all, June is also PTSD Awareness Month and yet none of our governmental agencies, the White House, and no corporations have been spending millions of dollars promoting said awareness.

Imagine that.

Then there is the immense sadness that’s been ignored in the race to see how much “pride” people can generate for it’s own sake.

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When They Come For Your Children

California Rep. Wendy Carrillo – found at wendyforassembly.com

I used to use this blog primarily to discuss issues of faith and specifically the intersection between Gentile believers and Messianic Judaism. While I still retain a theology and doctrine based on those beliefs, I’ve distanced myself from any praxis that could be considered “Jewish.” I made this decision due to a seemingly endless bombardment of “Gentiles don’t belong in a Jewish space.” Yeah, but “buy our books and other products anyway.”

However, if you’ve been following my most recent blog posts, you’ll see I’ve been sucked into what is called “the culture wars.” I never wanted to confront these issues but it seems the world has become so crazy, that it’s not only anti-Christian and anti-Jew (I saw plenty of bigotry online against Christians and Jews during Easter and Passover, so much so that I had to block an anti-Semite on Facebook), but anti-family and dangerous to children. How can I ignore that?

This mainly addresses my commentary on how the transgender “industry” hurts kids, but also tangentially includes children’s books and the culture wars, as well as the real reason drag queens pretty much demand children watch their “shows”.

I came across the news item In California, Parents May Soon Effectively Lose Custody of Kids 12 and Older. The source is heavily biased “right,” so I sought to corroborate the data. I did.

California Legislative Information on California Assembly Bill 665 as well as AB 665’s Fast Tracking summary and The Legislative Counsel’s Digest for the bill tells the tale.

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On the Nashville Covenant School Shooting and the Transgender Day of Visibility

Hundreds of Nebraskans gather outside the Nebraska State Capitol in honor of “Trans Day of Visibility” on Friday, March 31, in Lincoln, Neb. Their efforts follow critical legislation that’s brought the Legislature to a crawl. (Zach Wendling/Nebraska Examiner)

By now I’m sure you have heard of the tragic shooting at the Covenant Christian School in Nashville, TN. Six people, three adults, and three children lost their lives at the hands of a 28-year-old shooter.

The shooter was subsequently killed by the police as the suspect fired on police units from a second story window in the school.

When it came to light that Audrey Hale, also known as Aiden Hale, identified as a trans male with he/him pronouns, a significant percentage of people around the nation reacted negatively and even in hostility toward the LGBTQ community.

Side Note: Most of the information publicly available on Hale refers to the suspect as female by “her” and “Audrey” which is why the statement above is worded ambiguously.

Here’s what we know about the shooter.

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The Real Reason Drag Queens Want Your Children in the Audience

Photograph: Courtesy Elisabeth Fuchsia

Okay, so no one will answer me. Look. As such, I’m not against drag shows as adult entertainment. Way, way back in the day, I went to Finocchio’s in San Francisco and had a great time (admittedly, that was long before I became a Christian).

However it was deffo adult entertainment and there wasn’t a child in sight.

I’ve been trying to find out why modern progressives are pushing so hard for children to HAVE to attend drag shows or drag reading hour at public libraries. Even if the content is totally child appropriate, why is it absolutely necessary for young children to be in the presence of men dressed up as women (and some of the “dressing up” is pretty bizarre)?

So on social media, whenever I find a pro-children at drag show post or tweet, I ask that question. So far, crickets.

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