Zondervan Academic Update: My “Introduction to Messianic Judaism” Reviews

Greetings from Zondervan Academic! This month, we’re also posting a roundup of reviews and book mentions around the Internet. Enjoy!

Introduction to Messianic Judaism, edited by David Rudolph and Joel Willitts. This new post series explores several of the book’s chapters. View the posts.


I know this probably comes under the heading of “shameless self promotion,” but someone sent me an email showing that my collection of reviews on the different chapters in Rudolph’s and Willitts’ book Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations is being promoted in the Zondervan Academic Update email for April (click the link I provided above the image to see summaries and links to all eleven reviews in one place).

I have to say that I’m absolutely thrilled that my little missives have received this bit of attention and I’d like to thank Zondervan Academic (should they happen to read this blog post) and the person who let me know about it (who I agreed shall remain nameless) for this sort of promotion of my weblog.

But what I think is actually important is that the message of Messianic Judaism and what it means is being noticed outside our own little corner of the world. I’m creating this “extra meditation” to communicate just how important this message is and to show who else is paying attention. I have a rather diverse audience (my awareness of who reads my blog is based on not only the comments people make publicly, but on the emails I receive that are not viewable to anyone else besides me), and I’d like all of my readers to know that what I’ve been writing about (and what Rudolph, Willitts, and the other contributors to their book have written about) isn’t just some “niche doctrine,” but rather, a topic of wide interest in scholarly and popular interest realms.

The relationship between Jewish and Gentile believers in Messiah and at the intersection of the two worlds to which we belong, is not only important but is vital, and will become critical as we progress forward seeking an encounter with God and anticipating the arrival of Messiah.

“We’re here to bring Mashiach, we will settle for nothing less.”

Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh

Blessings and thank you.

148 days.

Addendum: May 9, 2013: Jacob Fronczak just wrote a very good review for the First Fruits of Zion (FFOZ) blog. I highly recommend reading it to get further insight into the book with an “in-a-nutshell” presentation.

6 thoughts on “Zondervan Academic Update: My “Introduction to Messianic Judaism” Reviews”

  1. Yeah for you James! Being such a good writer, I’m not surprised. Congrats!

    And how beautiful to imagine, through a move such as this, the future reconciliation. May it be soon and in our days!


  2. Fantastic, James. Some well-deserved attention while spreading the message is a double portion of blessing! Mazel tov! And… I’ve not had a chance to read your review of “Remembrance and Repentance” until this evening. I am blessed that you found it worthy of those good words. And thank you for promoting the message out into the blogosphere again. May it touch the hearts of fellow Christians in such a way as to bring the good conviction that leads to repentance… which means great intimacy with HaShem. And may your review of Rudolph and Willett’s book bring many more into understanding! Fantastic. Thank you on both counts….

  3. Truly, there is no shame in you James 😉

    That’s pretty great though, friend, very cool news 🙂


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